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Hook & Ladder Comedy Show- April 11

We are back with another exciting lineup...

Join us at Woodie Fisher for our Hook & Ladder Comedy show! In the historic Woodie Fisher restaurant in Denver, we are bringing together some of the best comedians in Colorado for a mid-week showcase to help you just get through that work week. We will be doing small plates for food - and drinks will be available for purchase all night. Doors are at 7:45 and the show will start around 8:15.

A portion of each ticket sale will be donated to Give Kids the World, a nonprofit that grants wishes for critically ill children and their families. Unable to make the show but interested in donating? Visit our fundraising page here.

**We will be raffling off some pretty cool prizes as well, including: a one-night stay at the Hilton Garden Inn Denver Union Station, Woodie Fisher gift card, free facial at Clean Your Dirty Face, and items from Jimbo & Jules.**

Complimentary parking is available next door at the Hilton Garden Inn Denver Union Station. Parking will be validated with proof of purchase from Woodie Fisher.

Ages 21+ only


This week we will be showcasing some of the best of Denver's local comedy scene including ComedyWorks Pros!

This will be our last show for the season until fall, so don't miss out on getting your tickets!